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What can I do with a Residential Contractors License?
A Florida Residential Contractor (CRC) means a contractor whose services are limited to construction, remodeling, repair, or improvement of one-family, two-family, or three-family residences not exceeding two habitable stories above no more than one uninhabitable story and accessory use structures in connection therewith. If you are a contractor engaged in commercial construction (up to three stories) or remodeling, you must obtain a Florida Building Contractor’s License instead. If you wish to be unlimited in your scope of work (build everything from houses to high-rises), then a Florida General Contractor (CGC) license is a better match. As a Florida Residential Contractor you can subcontract all major specialty trades (those not included in your scope of work like A/C, Electrical, and Plumbing) to work on your residential projects. If you do not wish to subcontract work which is included within the scope of your license, you are free to do said work in-house (i.e. framing, drywall, painting, tile, stucco, etc)
Licensing Requirements
Licensing Requirements
Below are some of the requirements needed to become a licensed Residential Contractor in the State of Florida:
Must be at least 18 years of age.
Must take and pass the state certification examinations (Contract Administration, Project Management, and Business & Finance). Please note that the application process cannot be started until the exams are taken and passing scores are obtained.
Experience / Education
A person will qualify for a Certified Residential Contractor’s license by meeting one of the following requirements:
Four-year construction-related degree from an accredited college (equivalent to three years’ experience) and one year proven experience applicable to the category for which you are applying.
One year experience as a foreman and not less than three years of credits from accredited college-level courses.
One year experience as a worker, one-year experience as a foreman, and two years of credits from accredited college-level courses.
Two years’ experience as a worker, one year experience as a foreman, and one year of credits from accredited college-level courses.
Four years’ experience as a worker or foreman of which at least one year must have been as a foreman.
Military Veterans
A veteran will qualify for a certified license by meeting on of the following:
Three years of military service and one year experience as a foreman applicable to the category for which you are applying.
Two years of military service, one year experience as a foreman, and one year experience as a worker or foreman applicable to the category for which you are applying.
One year of military service, one year experience as a foreman, and two years experience as a worker or foreman applicable to the category for which you are applying.
Applicants for the Certified Residential Contractor License must have experience in four or more of the experience areas listed below:
- Foundation/Slabs
- Masonry walls
- Trusses
- Column erection
- Formwork for structural reinforced concrete
- Structural wood framing (excluding platform framing)
Financial / Credit
Applicants will need to provide proof of financial stability and responsibility by submitting personal credit reports. Credit reports must include a FICO derived credit score and indicate that local, state and federal records have been searched. Credit report containing a credit score (FICO derived) on applicant from a nationally recognized credit reporting agency, which includes a public records statement that records have been checked at local, state, and federal levels. If credit score is below 660 (FICO derived) applicant must submit a bond or irrevocable letter of credit. Note that Fifty percent (50%) of the bond or letter of credit requirement may be met by completion of a 14-hour financial responsibility course.
An applicant must have a background check as part of the licensing process.
Applicants are required to attest that they have obtained public liability and property damage insurance in the amounts determined by Board rule. Applicants are also required to obtain workers compensation insurance or obtain an exemption from worker’s compensation insurance within 30 days of issuance of their license.To download the different application forms related to the Residential Contractor’s License, you may visit the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board’s site.
To download the different application forms related to the Residential Contractor’s License, you may visit the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board’s site.
As an exam prep school, Contractor Prep School does not have any enrollment requirements, we will provide anyone with the books and the classes needed. It is your responsibility to make sure you can meet the requirements once you pass the exams! Remember that you must pass the exams first, and then you apply for the actual license.
We offer no formal review of your experience history and cannot give you a guarantee regarding whether the board will approve or deny your application once you pass the exams. For questions directly related to whether you meet the licensing criteria or not, please contact the DBPR’s Construction Industry Licensing Board directly.
Department of Business and Professional Regulation
Division of Professions
Construction Industry Licensing Board
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0783
Customer Contact Center: 850-487-1395
Florida Residential Contractor Exams
A residential contractor in Florida must pass a Business, as well as a trade exam, but the trade exam is divided into two different tests, one in the morning, and another in the afternoon. These trade tests are known as the Contractor Administration and the Project Management tests respectively. Florida residential contractors must pass both sections of the trade exams as well as the business exam in order to satisfy the academic requirements for licensing.
Residential Contract Administration Exam
This test contains 45 questions, it is open book, and lasts 4 hours and 45 minutes (morening session). Some of the subjects included are: Pre-construction Activities, Project Contracts, Obtaining Licenses, Permits and Approvals, Construction Procedures and Operations
Residential Project Management Exam
This test contains 60 question, it is open book, and lasts 4 hours and 45 minutes (afternoon session). Some of the sujects included are: Construction Methods, Materials, Tools, and Equipment; Safety; Reading Plans and Specifications.
Business and Finance Exam
This business test is not taken on the same day as the trade exams listed above. This is a separate test which lasts 6.5 hours, and contains 120 questions. Some of the subjects included in this test are: Establishing the Contracting Business, Managing Administrative Duties, Managing Trade Operations, Conducting Accounting Functions, Managing Human Resources, and complying with Government Regulations.
[heading align=”center” border=”true”]RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR EXAM COURSE DESCRIPTION[/heading]